Thursday 28 July 2011

Comparison of Levels and Environment In Different Genres

I have compared 3 different genres levels and environments from 3 different genres the games I am using to compare are: Dead or Alive 4 - a fighting game; Unreal Tournament 3 - a first person shooter; and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

Dead or Alive 4 is the fourth installment in the fighting game series Dead or Alive, it is a fighting game so the main goal for every player is to beat their opponent. It is played in a 3D arena environment. Arena refers to the fact that play is stuck in a set area, that isn't very large such as an arena. The story behind Dead or Alive is of a tournament run by the company 'DOATEC' and the winner gets a large monetary prize, 'DOATEC' is a corrupt company who use the tournament as a cover for more sinister things. This setting creates a strong basis for the fighting game as it tells why they are fighting, it also gives different motives for people to fight too (e.g. needing the prize money, wanting to bring down 'DOATEC'), which makes a more interesting The ultimate goal of a level desginer in designing a fighting game is balance, balance in the characters not to make any character better than the others, balance in the arena - not to make the arena effect characters positively or negatively. The risk-reward system in a fighting is, risking losing so that you can win.

Unreal Tournament 3 is the seventh game in the Unreal series, which are first person shooters. Being a shooter what the player wants to do is shoot everything that isn't on their side. In Unreal Tournament 3 (UT3) the matches are played on an areas similar to that of the fighting games, but much larger. The setting of UT3 is that there is war going on in a futuristic age. This setting is very common shooting games as it gives a good reason for why you are playing as somebody shooting other people. The risk-reward in shooters is primarily just risking your life to kill your enemies, but there is also different goals depending on different game modes (such as risking your life and sometimes skills in order to capture a flag, in capture the flag modes).

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (or Oblivion for short) is the fourth game in the Elder Scrolls Series, a series of role-playing adventure games. In Oblivion the player goes on journey in a medieval fantasy world. Oblivion is a freeroam game that doesn't have a very linear story, the player can choose just to play the main quest straight away all the way through, but there is more to do in side-quests in total than there is the main quest. The risk-reward system is a lot more complex than in fighters and shooters, in that every quest or every the player tries to achieve has a different risk/reward, for example if a person commits a crime they have to decide whether the reward they get from getting away with the crime is worth losing stolen items and gold if they are arrested or killed.

Risk-reward in comparison: Fighting games are the simiples in that they have a very basic risk, dying and a basic reward winning; shooters are a little more complex in that they have different games modes which change the risks and rewards a little for each mode; and the adventure games are a lot more complex because they are not very linear and they create an entire world to explore which includes legal systems to an extent, questing for special items, joining factions and more.

Settings in comparison: fighting games are also quite simple in that they need little story, they just need to be consistent in different levels; shooters are the same, they usually have more backstory to each level; adventure games require a whole world to be set up with lots characters with their own stories and personalities as well as the world needs to be believable in that you can't have a lot incogruenties.

Goals in comparison: fighting games have one goal which is to beat your opponent; shooters have differet goals depending on the situation and game mode; adventure games have an array of goal, which depend on the player's current quest and what they want to achieve whether it is completing the game fully or trying to level up.

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